Sunday, June 13, 2010

"You have asian eyes"

So this morning I am out to breakfast in the castro district. You have to understand how rare this is, I hate waking up early, which means I got up extra extra early to eat out! Haha, anyways, I am finishing up my meal when the man sitting next to me says "You have the type of slanted eyes czech people have. Are you czech? I work with czech people." I think this is even more awkward than the time this other guy spent 5 minutes complimenting my sweatshirt in an attempt to hit on me.

I do have eastern european ancestry. Czech, but even moreso, Slovenian. It's common for those with eastern european descent to have epicanthic folds (or the non PC term "asian eyes"). As a baby/toddler my epicanthic folds were more obvious than they are now. I think this is because I am mostly Norse and Austrian-Slovenian, as opposed to Croatian (located south) so I have a more anglo look.

Scandinavians also have epicanthic folds, either due to 1. Being surrounded by bright white ice (like teh eskimos) or 2. Vikings raided Slavic people and enslaved them. That's why they are called slavs btw =). I am also norwegian, so it's probable there was some gene mixing going on back in the day.

Or maybe my father is secretly chinese! ;)

Besides the man's awkwardness, I am impressed with his ability to pin my ancestry when most people see blonde hair + blue eyes and think he's german!

Well. That's about all I have to say. I can't believe I just blogged about my eyes, LOL.

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